Like Einstein is supposed to have worked out his
equations on the backs of envelopes post-cards , used paper, legend has it that the 18th century Bengali mystic, poet and devotee of
the Goddess Kali,– Sadhak Ramprasad Sen penned his lyrics in the ledger book (which
he was supposed to keep) of his employer.
O heart of mine! had you sowed,
One day he got caught. His employer pensioned him off
with a monthly allowance till death, and Ramprasad spent the rest of his life
worshipping the Goddess through songs which he wrote and sang.
Ramprasad’s songs influenced the latter day Bengali
mystic Ramakrishna Paramhansa, and the doyen of Bengali literature Rabindranath
Tagore among others.
Spiritualists have this reputation of being out of the
ordinary, and at times childlike. Ramprasad was all this and more. His entire life
was dedicated to praising the holy mother, and as single-minded devotion
sometimes makes one oblivious of the ways of the world – Ramprasad was a simple
soul who was not aware of anything outside his calling, not even the fact that
he was blessed.
This lack of self-consciousness is reflected in his
songs, written in a robust language- an eclectic mix of the erudite and the
colloquial. The words have a natural hip hop feel and can be hypnotic at times
like the truly simple.
Here is a transcreation; the original follows.
This body – this pasture of heaven goes to seed,
Would have reaped gold.
Shout ‘Kali’, shout out loud; the yield would be forever
Where the long-haired girl steps in
Evil looks for cover.
Now, or a millennium later
The stake will get cold and bare
Tune in and be a player
Romp in and get your share.
Seed your mentor’s blessing
Spray devotion on it
Heart ,if you feel left behind,
Call Ramprasad at your side.
The original
Mon re! krishikaj jano na
Emon manobjomin roilo potit
Korle abad falto sona.
Kali name dao re byara
Fasale tachrup hobe na
Se je muktokeshir shokto bera
Tar kachete jom ghese na
Adya ki shatbdante
Bajapto hobe janao na
Ekhon apan ektare
Chutiye fasal kete ne na
Guru data bij ropan kare
Bhakti bari senche de na
Eka Jodi na parish mon
Ramprasadke sange ne na.
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